August 15 — 19, 2022
In a nutshell: the updated marketplace launch, map improvements for Waves Ducks Hunt.
What’s been done
- Marketplace. The long-awaited update is here: after some extensive development and rigorous testing, we've finally rolled it out. The features will be introduced gradually, so that the work on cosmetic items is not hampered. Additionally, we plan to complete the new filtering by strategy with handy tips. The design changes were only the first step, and a new batch of improvements to the marketplace is already on its way. Read more about the update in our previous report.

- Waves Ducks Hunt. We updated the map, included the ability to zoom in and out, and center on the player's location. We also placed some teasers on the map on what to expect in the future: leaderboard, quests, recharge tabs, and the ability to hide/show ducks on the map. The leaderboard design and the battlepass system have been worked out and handed over to development.
In the works
- Duck Wars. Continuing to work on the visual update of the game, we found a great illustrator and did some test artworks, looks promising.
- Waves Ducks Hunt.
1. The leveling system and achievement updates are being worked on.
2. A new "Rope" feature. It will allow you to move far-away eggs closer to the player.
3. Updates to the egg info tooltips. We moved the information to the toolbar and added information about the egg and its owner. It will also allow you to pull the egg closer using Rope.
4. We are finishing up the duck display on the map.
- Cosmetic items. We started to develop a cosmetic items section on the marketplace: it will be possible to put on costumes, hats and place items in each wing. Also, pets!
3. In backlog
Tasks awaiting planning, the order is not important
- Onboarding
- Personal achievements
- New levels of protection against bots
- Breeding of Obstinate ducks
- Updates for ducklings
- Game developer grants
Previous reports