August 22 — 26, 2022 In a nutshell: virtual locations launched in DH, vote for $SPICE verification, EGG/USDN pair listed on Tsunami Exchange, new auction for Maikel Delacalle duck and a lot of things to do.
Waves Ducks Hunt. 1. Rope is a top priority. It will be finished shortly to complement the addition of virtual locations. You will also be able to grab eggs with out-of-reach spawn locations. 2. Leaderboard will be ready after the rope. It will be possible to see the top players and the number of eggs they have collected. This is the first small competitive element of the game. 3. Levelling System — working on it.
Overall, we're continuing to develop the game in all directions: implementing what was planned, thinking about the next steps and fixing bugs. Currently solving the issue of the authorization process in the game, it is too clumsy, and we are not happy with it.
Platform. We had planned many redesigns of the platform itself, visually and functionally. The design and the principle of work are finished, but the new marketplace implementation has dragged on for an extremely long time for a number of reasons, and even now the redesign of the marketplace is only partially ready. This took us an entire dedicated developer, which are already few, and delayed the launch of the new functionality, which depends on the marketplace. In light of this, we decided to temporarily leave what works as is and postpone all the redesigns until better times to focus on the new functionality.
Screens not yet implemented
Cosmetic items. Top priority, planning to release them within the next few days. Here are some details:
As you learned from the last report, the new 30 items will be the cosmetic ones. The point is to allow you to make a duck as unique as you want it to be. You can assemble a complete look or mix in a little bit of everything. So far the items will have five categories:
Head — various hats and hairstyles
Body — lots of clothes, from goofy to badass
Left wing — separate items for each of the wings
Right wing
Pets — a completely new entity in the duck metaverse! Now ducks can have a companion. So far, there are 6 of them, but more will be added in the future.
Later on, we plan to add a tail slot, full costumes (which cannot be separated into individual items), and special backgrounds.
Here’s how the cosmetic items will work:
Duck Wars. While we don't have the resources to spare on the development of new Duck Wars mechanics, we are working on the visuals. Right now we're working on the background of the game with a new illustrator and animator. We want to make some animated backgrounds in the ducks style. This is still in the illustration stage, here’s an early sketch:
Tasks awaiting planning, the order is not important