August 1 — 4, 2022
In a nutshell: quite an eventful week, we released a lot of news with DIP-6 on our breeding update, gave a sneak peek at the Waves Ducks Hunt update and leveling system. We also had another AMA session and now we're finalizing a new Marketplace.
**DIP 6 release:**
Besides answering some questions, we agreed on a special form for collecting ideas from the community and their further duscussion. We also thought about changing the AMA format, perhaps the next one will be slightly different.
Marketplace. Still in the final stages of development. You can see what it looks like below. We've added new filtering systems and the ability to choose a strategy to suit user preferences.
New artefacts. Those depend directly on the new marketplace, so their implementation will begin as soon as the marketplace is done. As previously stated, there are 30 artefacts already done and ready, and the ability to use them has been added to the game, so they’re only waiting for the interface.
While they're still being delayed, we've given our artist a list of 15 more artefacts. This batch is unlikely to be implemented until mid-September, but the important thing is that there will be a lot of artefacts. ****
Waves Ducks Hunt. We are now focusing on all the updates from DIP-6.
Duck Wars. We have already mentioned that our experience with the third-party game dev studio was unsuccessful. But we are not planning to give up on Duck Wars. Our main priority right now is the development of Waves Ducks Hunt, but we are also keeping the battles in mind. For now we are at the stage of proposing ideas.
Tasks awaiting planning, the order is not important